Thursday, August 11, 2011

2011 FUJPA / FUPA Tournament

2011 FUJPA Championships - Complete
11:30 AM        Closest to the cone competition. Win a FUPA headband!

12:00 PM        FUJPA Championship Round 1 – games to 11

12:40 PM        FUJPA Championship Round 2 – games to 11

1:20 PM          FUJPA Championship Round 3 – games to 11

FUPA Championships - Rained out
2:00 PM          FUPA Championship Round 1 – games to 13

4:00 PM          FUPA Championship Round 2 – games to 13
                        FUPA Consolation Round 1 – games to 11

6:00 PM          FUPA Championship Final – game to 15
                        FUPA Consolation Finals – games to 11


  • All games to 11, half at 6, 1 timeout per half
  • Round Robin format: Every team will play each other. Best record wins. In the case of a three-way tie, point differential will decide winner.

FUPA Games
  • Championship rounds play to 13, except final to 15, hard cap at 18
  • Consolation rounds play to 11
  • 1 timeout per half, except final has 2 timeouts per half
  • Winning team receives trophy

Time Cap Horns
  • All games are win by 2, unless time capped
  • Listen for the horn
  • 1 blast is soft cap, which starts 90 minutes after the round is scheduled to begin
    • Finish the point. Add 2 to the highest score and play to that score, no win by 2
  • 2 blasts is hard cap, which starts 105 min after the round is scheduled to begin
    • Finish the point. Higher score wins unless tie. Tie sets up universe point

  • Tournament food is free for all paid members, NOT spectators!
  • Menu – hotdogs, hamburgers (organic grass fed beef), veggie burgers, carrots, watermelon, pbj
  • We will have water and Gatorade coolers set up – bring your own water bottle
  • FUPA Temporary Tattoos - $0.25 each
    • Fun Options: 25 consecutive push-ups each or 5 for 50 consecutive push-ups
  • FUPA head sweatbands - $3 each
  • FUPA t-shirts (limited supply of old stock) - $5
  • FUPA jerseys - $20
  • FUPA crew neck sweatshirts - $20

Sideline – Please keep chairs and gear 5 ft from the sideline

Trash – Please use trash and recycling cans. Treat Lake Lucerne respectfully.

Conduct – Show respect for your competitors and recognize the youthful ears around you. Foul language will not be tolerated.

Alcohol – Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the playing fields, but may be consumed by of age spectators.

Photos – Photography is permitted. Submit photos to for a chance to win a FREE 2012 FUPA membership.

Field and Parking Map

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