Friday, July 29, 2011

FUJPA Week 7


Field 1:   Team 1 [14] vs  The Dragon Slayers (Team 2) [15]
Field 2:   The Slayers of the Dragon Slayers (Team 4) [13] vs Purple Orangutans (Team 3) [8]

A limited supply of FUPA Crest jerseys and sweatshirts of various colors and sizes have been ordered and will be available Week 8.  To reserve an item, send Robert an email at

THE DISCS ARE IN! and will continue to be distributed this week to paid registrants.  There will continue to be water balloons after the FUJPA games Sunday, as long as full games are completed.

FUJPA is an acronym for the Freestyle Ultimate Junior Players Association.  We have been playing lots of ultimate, but I would like to see more freestyle moves.  Find Robert on Sunday to display your trick throw or catch and have your picture taken for the blog.

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